Video of Paris Hilton the Night She Went to Jail, Being Made Fun of by Sarah Silverman

Commentary by Tim Horrigan, June 4, 2007 (revised November 10, 2008 & January 21, 2011)

Just hours before she went to jail, Paris Hilton attended the MTV Movie Awards. And, not too surprisingly, the emcee, Sarah Silverman made her the butt of a joke. It was a rather lame joke about painting the bars of Paris's jail cell to look like penises— though Sarah worried that Paris might break her teeth on the bars.

Paris tried very hard to laugh at herself, but this time she just couldn't do it. I almost felt sorry for her— even though she didn't even have to show up at the event at all. The joke wasn't very funny, but Jack Nicholson's reaction is highly amusing, and the crowd cheered wildly.

There were many YouTube and similar uploads of Silverman's routine, a few of which escaped Viacom's lawyers, who like to play "Whac-A-Mole" with video uploaders.) My favorite upload was the one with the whole monologue— with Portugese subtitles. (It begins "Uau! Puta merda! Serio?" which somehow seems much dirtier than "Wow! Holy crap! Really?") This one lacks Portugese subtitles:

Sarah Silverman vs Paris Hilton Sous titré en Français
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See Also:

The Forgotten Liars