Ron Paul's UNH Town Meeting

Durham, NH; January 6, 2012

additional commentary by Timothy Horrigan; January 7, 2012

After a strong showing in the Iowa caucuses, Ron Paul took a couple of days off and then flew up to New Hampshire on Friday, January 6, 2012.  One of his first stops was at the University of New Hampshire.  The campus is totally deserted (except for the athletes) because it is the depth of the winter break.  But 600 people of all ages showed up to see Dr. Paul.  I was one of them: I was sitting on the extreme right side of the second row of the back section.

He was pleasant and grandfatherly and mostly stuck to the issues where people from the liberal Seacoast agree with him. It was a fairly short town hall: about 40 minutes after he started, Dr. Paul's eyes darkened, the rhyhm of his voice became more staccato and he began to sound prophet-like.  His handler announced that there would be just one more question and then he set up a receiving line for Paul's fans.  The receiving line took almost as much time as the actual speech.
Here is the CSPAN video of the event:

Original URL:

And here is a half hour of post-event phone calls, etc.:

Original URL:


See Also: