Hugh Cort: the Only Candidate Who Can Prevent… THIS!

additional commentary by Timothy Horrigan; October 24 & December 26, 2011

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In 2008, Dr. Hugh Cort ran for President on (in the words of this memorable 30-second spot) the platform of being the only candidate who could prevent [waving hand in general director of Capitol] "THIS!"

By "prevent[ing] THIS!" he probably meant preventing Osama bin Laden from blowing up the Capitol. However, he may have simply been talking about preventing the gratuitous use of cheesy animated graphics effects.

In 2012, Osama is dead, but this self-proclaimed counterterrorism expert is still running for office. I do not know if he is taking credit for the fact that the Capitol never got blown up. However, it is plausible that Osama took a look at this big goofus in the white Beatles wig and decided not to bother blowing up the Capitol.

I don't know if this is a big deal, but Dr. Cort is running for a partisan office (President of the United States) even though he uses a VA.Gov email address ( for campaign business. That is probably legal if he is a Veterans Administration contractor rather than an employee— but it still doesn't look good.

In 2012, Dr. Cort is more worried about Iran than Iraq.  He had this to say at a "Lesser Known Candidates" forum at Saint Anselm College on December 19, 2011.  (Sorry it's vastly less memorable than his 2007 ad):

Hugh Cort

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