House Republicans' & Petitioners' April 17, 2012 Press Conference

commentary by Timothy Horrigan; May 7, 2012

On April 17, 2012, a few members of the House Petitions & Redress Committee, along with several House republicans and many petitioners (and/or would-be petitoners) held a press conference to protest an April 9, 2012 letter from Attorney General Delaney.  In that leter, General Delaney severely criticized the committee.  I thought the AG's criticisms were well-taken.

The best video of the press conference is this edited version by Chris "KingCast" King. I was at there but I was careful to stay behind the cameras. Chris was standing in front of me, and I felt rather sad when his camera battery gave out in the middle of the event. He managed to put together a good movie anyway:

Original URLs:

And, here are a couple of videos of the whole thing.  The speakers are Rep. Paul Ingbretson, Rep. Dan Itse, Rep. Cliff Newton, Rep. George Lambert, Joshua Youssef, and Jeffrey Frost:

On April 9, 2012, General Michael Delaney sent a scathing six-page letter regarding the House Redress of Grievances committee to Speaker Bill O'Brien, which reportedly elicited a even more scathing response. The Speaker never shared his response with his fellow reps, at least not those of the Democratic persuasion.

As of Cinco de Mayo, I am still a member of the Redress of Grievances Committee. We had two full days of hearings very shortly after the AG's letter came out. The first day, the chair didn't even mention the controversy. On the second day, someone finally brought the matter up, and our Chair somewhat bizarrely claimed not to have seen the letter, even though he was on the cc: list. A semi-official response (opposing the AG) went out on April 11, in the form of a video which reflected the views of just one faction on the committee.

I (and many others) received the following press release on Monday, April 16 from the people who run the "Stop! Judicial Abuse" blog. I can assure you that not all members of the committee stand in solidarity against Attorney General Delaney. I, for one, support him:

STOP! Judicial Child Abuse ( has learned that the N.H. Redress of Grievance Committee will hold a press conference in the Legislative Office Building tomorrow, Tues. 4/17 at 12:00 Noon.

The Redress Committee has recently come under scrutiny by the office of the Attorney General for inquiries it has made to the State's Division of Youth Children & Families (DCYF) regarding petitioners' allegations of DCYF misconduct.

Members of the Committee will be available for questions immediately afterwards

All the best,

STOP! Judicial Child Abuse

URLs of original stories:

And on April 17, 2012, several House Republicans held a press conference, accompanied by petitioners and their allies...

See Also:


The Forgotten Liars

2012 Session