Timothy Horrigan's Random Stuff Page
Miscellaneous and Somewhat Random Links :
These links are provided for your personal enjoyment and/or enlightenment. I don't necessarily endorse any of the content on any sites that I may link to, and lord knows the people who put these sites up certainly don't always endorse the content on MY site.
Next, a Totally Random Link! :
Courtesy of Trinity College, Dublin : True Random Number Service!: http://www.random.org
Randomly-Selected Fellow Authors:
Jenny Siler, mystery writer and social satirist
Michael Bérubé: the former drummer for the Normal Men
Catherine Lloyd Burns: actress, memoirist & scenariste
A Random Discovery..:
The late Merv Griffin is best known for creating
the classic game show Jeopardy. He
also wrote the catchy theme music, and I am sure you all know
the tune. But do you know the lyrics
for this song?
But wait, there's more!:
My September 6 & 8, 2014 letters to the editor about my re-election campaign
My June 30, 2014 Ballot Law Commission testimony (regarding Walt Havenstein's candidacy)
HB 473: relative to retirement system status for members of the university system police force
HB 1213: prohibiting the purchase of alcohol or tobacco products with electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards & SB203: relative to permissible uses of electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards. (I was against these 2 bills)
HB 1565: establishing the crime of filing false lien or encumbrance against public servant
Special Session House Bill 1 (relative to access to health insurance coverage)
My bills:
HB 129: relative to access to galleries in the general court
HB 473: relative to retirement system status for members of the university system police force
HB 579: establishing an independent legislative redistricting commission
HB 651 & HB 671: restoring funding for guardians ad litem and attorneys for indigent families
Someone else's bill (which I was against):
2013 House Petitions (several House Petitions have been submitted even though there no longer is any House Petitions & Redress of Grievances Committee to hear them.)
November 3, 2012 This American Life story about the NH House: "Nothing in Moderation" (I am mentioned about halfway through)
State reps discuss the use of Electronic Benefit Transfer cards; July 2012
My April 2012 commentary on the unconstitutional redistricting process
My bill: HB 1183: "relative to access to the galleries in the general court. "
Petitions submitted in 2012 to the new House Redress of Grievances Committee
My December 27, 2011 letter to the editor about redistricting and county government
December 15, 2011: Peace is Declared in Iraq (and hardly anyone notices)
My November 2011 testimony against an educational-funding constitutional amendment!
My October 19, 2011 op-ed about the New Hampshire Legislature!
My August 29, 2011 letter to the editor in defense of the New Hampshire Turnpike System
August 2 & 5, 2011: My letter to the editor in support of Bob Perry for state rep
July 5, 2011: My letter to the editor criticizing a "Signs 4 Jesus" project
June 3, 2011: My letter to the editor endorsing Bob Perry for State rep!
Amazon.com review of Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Anthony
Kiedis's book Scar Tissue
My April 1, 2009 commentary on Traditional Ptolemaic Astronomy
My September 30, 2010 Letter to the Editor of the Dover (NH) Foster's Daily Democrat!
My November 1, 2010 Letter to the Editor of the Dover (NH) Foster's Daily Democrat!
My October 13, 2010 statement about my 2010 re-election campaign (in PDF format)!
My 2008 candidacy for the New Hampshire state legislature! (I won!)
My February 2009 appearance on NH Capitol Access with Denis Goddard & Lydia Harman!
My June 26, 2010 op-ed: "The Conversation we should be having"
HB 105: My bill mandating open source software for vote counting machines!
My April 30, 2012 commentary on the Maddow vs. Castellanos battle & the War on Women
My testimony in favor of HCR6: a Jeffersonian states right resolution!
My testimony against HB1510, a bill eliminating no-fault divorce for couples with children
Video of New Hampshire's June 3, 2009 marriage equality bill-signing ceremony!
My July 27, 2010 DailyKos diary: about Chelsea Clinton's wedding!
My March 6, 2010 Letter to the Editor in favor of New Hampshire's unpopular "LLC Tax"!
My August 14, 2009 DailyKos diary about a fake Sheila Jackson-Lee video!
My January 16, 2008 Letter to the Editor about Hillary Clinton & Bill Richardson!
My October 10, 2008 DailyKos Diary about Catol Shea-Porter (and Jeb Bradley)!
My October 17-23 Letter to the Editor about the 2008 election!
My August 26, 2009 DailyKos Diary about Ted Kennedy's passing!
My November 6, 2009 Letter to the Editor about the Constitution and healthcare legislation!
My February 2008 endorsement of impeaching President Bush (HR 24 made it to the floor of the NH House, but was tabled on April 16, 2008)
My review of John W. McCain's July 22, 2008 campaign appearance in Rochester, NH
My August 2, 2008 Letter to the Editor about the same appearance
My page about the true origins of the ongoing Third (or is it the Fourth?) World War!
My review of Hillary Clinton's November 1, 2007 campaign appearance in Durham, NH!
My review of Hillary Clinton's April 14, 2007 campaign appearance in Hampton, NH!
My report on Joe Biden's June 17, 2006 appearance in Dover, NH!
My September 27, 2007 Letter to the Editor about General Betrayus!
My June 17, 2007 Letter to the Editor about Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich!
My December 29, 2007 Letter to the Editor about Barack Obama!
My August 25, 2006 Letter to the Editor about Downtown Durham, NH!
My August 20, 2006 Letter to the Editor about the Lamont-Lieberman Senate race!
My August 2006 Letters to the Editor about Carol Shea-Porter for Congress!
My October 30, 2006 Letter to the Editor about Carol Shea-Porter for Congress!
My May 13, 2006 Letter to the Editor about "Socialism" and "Communism"!
My report on a June 26, 2006 conference call on USAction's "Swing Nation" poll
My review of Anatoly Fomenko's "History: Fiction or Science?"
My Hurricane Katrina page! (grossly inadequate)
My Hurricane Rita page! (also inadequate)
My Navision Financials page! (I am a certified Navision Solution Developer)
My page about Mike Gravel's and Newt Gingrich's Second Lives
Kathleen Sgambati's unofficial theme song "Sgambati to Love"!
Random Celebrity Pages on my site:
Columbia-related readers may be interested
in my half-dozen excerpts from my novel "The Forgotten Liars,"
each of which is set at a specific location on Morningside
My old employer, Measured Progress, Inc. has been advertising my old job as a test reader/scorer.
The chairs are comfortable and you do get free coffee! There are worse things you can do for ten or eleven bucks an hour.
Click here to learn more about other test scoring companies.
The Bartleby Project: an effort to get students to refuse to take standardized tests
and this is related (even
though Measured Progress doesn't use it to screen job
The dreaded Unicru Personality Test
"There is no magical release from the past,
there is only responsibility for it."
From "You
Not the One Who Gets Loved" , by Adi Da Samraj .
Tim Horrigan; 7A Faculty Road; Durham, NH 03824 USA; ph: 1-603-868-3342
Copyright © 2015 Timothy Horrigan
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